Ten Things of Thankful-May 12 2024

Photo by Brett Sayles on

It’s TTOT time! Happy Mother’s Day to All Moms ❤

Second from left is Grandma Tomey. This is her sister lineup.

Who made me a person mom.

Honoring my Mama in Love. She’s greatly missed.

15 year old me, my niece Stacey, and sweet Mom on our special visit in Florida.

Mom in 1955

Mom in 1977

Mom in 1954, expecting me

our passport picture 1955

Happy Mother’s Day

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Day 30 – National Poetry Month

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Today’s Prompt: Craft a poem that explores the mysteries of the universe and our place within it.

Congratulations on reaching the end of National Poetry Month! How was the experience? Did you submit your poems to any publications, or are they still a work in progress? Best wishes and thank you for participating!

Announcements, Book Announcements, Celebrations, poetry, Poets & Events

ANNOUNCEMENT! Book Launch Featuring Elizabeth O Ogunmodede with her latest Poetry Book “The Beauty of Words”

REGISTER for the VIRTUAL Book Launch featuring Elizabeth O Ogunmodede with her latest Poetry Book “The Beauty of Words” or send an email to to register.

Learn more about Elizabeth and pick up a copy of her book: Prolific Pulse Press

Dive into the enchanting world of poetic expression with “The Beauty of Words: A Poetry Collection” by Elizabeth O. Ogunmodede. This captivating anthology traverses through the intricate tapestry of human experience, touching upon themes ranging from the awe-inspiring beauty of nature to the complexities of society, from cherished memories to the depths of agony, and from whimsical fantasies to the warmth of friendship and family bonds. With each carefully crafted verse, Ogunmodede invites readers to explore the rich landscape of literature, where emotions are woven into words, painting vivid portraits of the human soul. Embark on a journey of introspection and revelation as you immerse yourself in the evocative verses of “The Beauty of Words,” where every stanza is a testament to the enduring power and allure of language.


Ten Things of Thankful – April 28 2024

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

Happy Sunday and TTOT time! It’s been a busy week, so let’s get started!

The first and foremost celebration is that daughter has recovered extremely well post her knee surgery. I am enjoying seeing her walk without assistance. There were some unexpected pluses, including not requiring a brace for her foot support. We go to her doctor tomorrow to get the formal assessment. All in all, it’s a huge success and I am holding on to that.

It’s been a super busy National Poetry Month and there are two more day left. I am grateful for being able to schedule posts ahead, so I was able to sit the last week on this past Monday and breathe. This allowed my time to focus on so many things. YAY! It’s so lovely to see when people are using these prompts and tagging my blog.

Daughter is back to church today, thanks to the first TTOT mention. Yay!

Yesterday, we attended a FULL day writer’s conference. It was the annual Triangle Association of Freelancers Writer Now Conference. We had amazing presentations by award winning authors and the editor in chief of Writer’s Digest. We were tired, but enriched.

Today is the Book Launch for Joni Karen Caggiano’s poetry book “One Petal at a Time.” I am looking forward to it and grateful that I waited for my muse before creating the video. It helps to listen to that still, soft voice.

I’ve been changing ice bottles in daughter’s ice unit for her knee, every 3-4 hours. One of those times is in the middle of the night. I had a soft voice wake me up one night, whispering “Lisa, are you awake?” It sounded like my sister’s voice. I am grateful for gentle nudges to get up and add the ice bottles.

I am grateful that my sweetheart is a volunteer for the writer’s conference. He helped run the front desk for attendees to check in. He brought a stack of books to read between times. He does write accounting information, and has been published, but he’s more of a support person for this kind of writing event.

Wednesday night, the TAF members who contributed to the Cadence Anthology did a reading of their poetry at the TAF meeting. It was so much fun. They really brought it with their poetry.

My sister in law’s sister’s dog chewed up and swallowed a dog toy and had to be emergency vet treated. We have had lots of prayers and Jett seems to be doing okay. He’s not completely out of the woods, but we believe he will be okay. He aspirated on a piece of the toy. He’ll be sticking with kong toys from now on.

And…it’s a wrap!

What’s your thankful(s) this week? Please share.

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Announcements, Book Announcements, poetry

ANNOUNCEMENT! Desiderium (Longing) by Wil Michael Wrenn is Now Available

From Wil Michael Wrenn:

“It seems to me that we humans are in an almost constant state of longing – either a longing for someone or something that we don’t have yet or that we at one time had but then later lost. In this book of poetry, I seek to address that aspect of our human condition – this longing, this ‘desiderium’ (Latin word).”

Wil Michael Wrenn explores desiderium in the sense of longing. Through his poetry collection, one can feel the deep desire for something once cherished. There is a deep desire in the heart for what it once had. Loss brings with it silence, regret, and pain. Wrenn explores this in his unique way, going deep into the subject.

Desiderium is now available for pre-order. Available in Paperback and Kindle.

Kindle Publication Date is April 27 and Paperback Publication Date is May 3.

Amazon Barnes & Noble BAM BookShop

Announcements, Book Announcements, poetry, Poets & Events

ANNOUNCEMENT! “One Petal at a Time” Book Launch is April 28

We have been anticipating this occasion to come together and celebrate Joni Karen Caggiano’s “One Petal at a Time.” The virtual event is scheduled for Sunday, April 28, at 2 p.m. EST.

Register by completing the following form or sending an email request to:

Registration for the One Petal at a Time Book Launch

To learn more about this amazing poetry book you can go to:

Meet the Author

Get a Copy


Ten Things of Thankful – April 19, 2024

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Happy Friday and TTOT time! Are you doing the tip-toe through the tulips? It’s certainly that time of year in Holland. What kinds of flowers have you seen this spring?

Photo by Tu00fa Nguyu1ec5n on

Roses are welcomed for my sweet daughter as she is recovering from arthroscopic knee surgery. She is doing great! Her surgery was on Thursday, early morning. This means we were up early, but it all worked out very well because we are early risers (although I didn’t sleep well from anxiety about waking up HA). The great news is that we were out of there in time to grab a brunch to go. Grateful for her surgery going well, early surgery times, recuperating going well, she is walking around the apartment with her walker, she was able to find her dirty laundry for me to do (AHA), she’s eating well, the ice flowing machine AKA The Ice Goddess, Naps, Naps, Naps, and a phone to call any time of day or night. I believe that must be at least ten thankfuls. I didn’t count, but will now count all the wonderful well wishes, prayers, blessings, visits, and wows.

Photo by Unchalee Srirugsar on

As we pace by the daisies of life, we are filled with gratitude for all the colorful events. All the preparations gone well; staying well-informed, tax season ending so I have my sweetheart here to help, staycation time (that took a lot of doing to make a week off happen). Clearing the head as much as possible for the current events to happen. Tender mercies abounding. It’s been good.

How has your week been? How about a share of your thankfuls in the comments, by your own post or … If you go to the following link, you can see other thankfuls and even add your own.

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Announcements, Book Announcements, poetry

ANNOUNCEMENT! Joni Karen Caggiano’s deeply rich poetry book, “One Petal at a Time,” is available.

One Petal at a Time is A Journey of Healing and Resilience

In “One Petal at a Time,” Joni Caggiano invites readers into the raw and poignant landscape of her journey as an Adult Child of Alcoholics. Joni’s story is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to find hope amidst adversity.

Growing up in an environment marked by mental and physical abuse, Joni learned early on to navigate the treacherous waters of uncertainty. In a world filled with constant threats, she resorted to humor as a means of survival, using laughter to protect herself from the impending darkness.

However, behind the mask of laughter is a soul overwhelmed by fear and lack of confidence. Joni is caught in a cycle of dogmatism and low self-esteem, making it difficult for her to find her place in a world that constantly undermines her.

As she grapples with the demons of her past, Joni learns to embrace vulnerability as a path to healing. Through introspection and self-discovery, she untangles the knots of her trauma, one petal at a time.

“One Petal at a Time” is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of self-love. Joni’s journey in “One Petal at a Time” serves as a reminder to readers that healing is possible, even in the darkest of times, and that every step forward is a victory worth celebrating.

Endorsed by Claudia Black, PhD – Pioneer in the study of dysfunctional family systems shaped by alcohol and addictive disorders.

Expressed with such raw emotion and honesty, this is an incredibly powerful book for any reader, but if you grew up in a family impacted by substance addiction, you will identify with the pain in childhood and the joy that comes with the author’s healing and recovery.

Claudia Black Ph.D., author of It Will Never Happen to Me, and Unspoken Legacy

Joni Karen Caggiano is an internationally published author, poet, and photographer. She was a 2022 Pushcart Nominee for her poem, “Old News is Not Old News,” published by The Short of It Publishing. She was privileged to write the Foreword for the Best Seller, I Am In Itself Poetry In The Dark, by the five-time Amazon Best-Selling Author Michelle Ayon Navajas. On SpillWords Press NYC, Joni won Publication of the Month in November 2022 and Co-Winner of Socialite of the Year 2023 and 2024. Joni was a Co-Author of both #1 Amazon Bestselling books, Hidden In Childhood and Wounds I Healed. She is also in seven additional Poetry Anthologies. Her first book of poetry, Joni, is also proud to be included in the poetry anthology, A Safe and Brave Space, published by Garden of Neuro Publishing (2024). She is currently a writer for Hotel Masticadores. Joni formerly contributed four combined pieces a month for one year to MasticadoresIndia and MasticadoresUSA. Joni is a retired nurse, ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) survivor, and environmental advocate.

Follow Joni:

Twitter: @theinnerchild1

Instagram: @jonicaggiano

Purchase your copy: Amazon


National Poetry Month is Here!

Greetings, poetry enthusiasts! National Poetry Month is upon us, so prepare for an array of epic poetry prompts! Share your witty haikus, splendid sonnets, or any other form of poetry in the comments or include a backlink to this post. Gear up to release your inner poet and have a blast!

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Today’s Prompt: Write a poem inspired by the colors and sounds of spring.

Announcements, books, Celebrations, Poets & Events

Let’s Celebrate Books!

Happy World Book Day! 📚✨ Celebrate the joy of reading with a diverse selection of literary genres. Whether it’s poetry, novellas, prose, or captivating stories for children and young adults, there’s a book for everyone to enjoy. Embrace the magic of storytelling and explore new worlds through the pages of a book. What will you be reading today?

We are thrilled to celebrate the talented authors at Prolific Pulse Press LLC and extend a warm invitation to everyone to explore and discover the amazing collection of books they have to offer. Prolific Pulse Press LLC takes great pride in nurturing and supporting literary talent, and their dedication shines through in the diverse and captivating selection of books available. We highly encourage you to visit our website and delve into the world of literature we have curated. You are sure to find something inspiring and captivating. Happy reading! Go to ProlificPulse and check out our selections.

If you’re an avid reader or simply enjoy discovering new authors and genres, the opportunity to receive a free Kindle eBook can be quite enticing. By filling out a simple form, you have the chance to be selected for a complimentary eBook, adding something new and exciting to your digital library. This means that you could discover a new favorite author or explore a genre that’s completely out of your usual comfort zone. So why not take a few moments to fill out the form and see if you’ll be the lucky recipient of a free Kindle eBook? Sorry, but only U.S. Amazon customers are eligible. Their rules.

Announcements, books, poetry

ANNOUNCEMENT! Soon to Be Banned Beat Poems has been released!

Dive into the rebellious and thought-provoking world of ‘Soon to Be Banned Beat Poems’ by Elliot M. Rubin. This book takes readers on a captivating journey through the raw and unfiltered expressions of beat poetry. Rubin’s collection, filled with vibrant verses and poignant prose, captures the essence of the Beat Generation, pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms. With themes ranging from existential pondering to passionate manifestos, each poem in this collection serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of counterculture. Brace yourself for a literary experience that transcends convention and invites readers to explore the depths of self-discovery and societal critique. ‘Soon to Be Banned Beat Poems’ is not just a collection of verses; it’s a rebellious ode to the enduring power of poetic expression in the face of societal constraints.

Announcements, Book Announcements, poetry

ANNOUNCEMENT: Loss X Mental Illness is Available

Loss X Mental Illness is a collection of poems written by Aariona Harris during one of the most emotionally and mentally challenging times of her life. Harris offers solidarity to other readers who may go through something similar and ensure they know they are not alone. While doing so, Harris was able to address her grief and expel all of the feelings associated with it, along with the emotional reactions caused by her diagnoses.

About Aariona Harris:

Aariona Harris is currently studying English Literature full-time. She balances a full-time job and college while also finding time to write. Her passion is reading, especially classic literature. Writing provides her with a sense of belonging.

She has a passion for literature, just like other members of literary history. Her desire is to share this love with everyone.​

Aariona has had her poetry published in various journals. This book is a product of a chaotic life. Every poem and word brought Aariona healing and acceptance.

What Reviewers Have to Say About Loss X Mental Illness:

There were moments reading this when I could see the 13-year-old I was sure would be a lawyer, throwing out a witty retort to any would be offensive adult, and there were times I saw the young woman clinging desperately to a hand she would never get to hold again, which remains the single most heartbreaking thing I have ever witnessed. Her mother was a huge fan of poetry, and meaningful lyrics; and she was incredible at spoken word, and I think she’d be really proud of what her daughter has accomplished here. I can’t wait for the next book.

Christeena L. Putzer

Aariona Harris captured so many emotions and feelings in her book “Loss X Mental Illness”. With each poem you can feel the emotions that are wrapped around every word. You can tell that the author has gone through so much in her short life. While reading I was shocked and amazed by what she has faced in a short amount of time. Not only does she bring attention to very important topics, she expands on them. This is a raw and honest view of mental health struggles at a young age. Grappling with life challenges that seem almost insurmountable including the loss of a mother, this narrative resonates deeply as it mirrors the silent battles that many young individuals face into today’s world. Aariona’s writing is viewed with a sense of resilience and hope as she navigates these challenges. It encourages a deeper understanding and empathy of those who battle mental health issues often in silence. The book is a beacon of hope and understanding. A reminder that even in our darkest time there is light to be found.

Rebecca Durgin

In Loss X Mental Illness, Harris bares her scarred and beautiful soul. Her poetry could not be more honest as she has sought to understand herself in the context of painful losses.

John Zimmerman

You can check out the page for Aariona Harris at and access links for online stores.

Coming Soon!

Set your calendars for the virtual Book Launch for Loss X Mental Illness. March 23, 2024, at 5 p.m. EST. Watch for the upcoming registration link on this blog.

Announcements, Celebrations, poetry

.99 Kindle Deal for Prolific Pulsations

📣 Exciting News! 📚✨ “Prolific Pulsations” Anthology of Poetry is now available as a .99 Kindle Deal on Amazon! 🌟📖 Dive into a celebration of the incredible poets from Prolific Pulse Press LLC. 🎉

Featured Poets Are:

Steve Anc
Joni Karen Caggiano
Richard Fireman
Sita Gaia
Aariona Harris
Rebecca N. Herz
Jill Sharon Kimmelman
Kelli Lage
Kika Man
Elizabeth O. Ogunmodede
LaVan Robinson
elliot m rubin
Lindsay Soberano Wilson
Laura Stamps
Zaneta Varnado Johns
William Waldorf
Wil Michael Wrenn

Announcements, Celebrations, poetry

ANNOUNCEMENT! Prolific Pulsations is Now Available!

We are pleased to announce that Prolific Pulsations Anthology is now available! Check out the video for the dedicated celebration! Cheers!

It’s been three years, and we have 18 authors, with more coming this year. I could not be prouder of these amazing writers. We gain from each other and cheer each other on! It is all I had hoped for when we started this press.

Thank you to all who participated and to all who have been so supportive over these years. 2024 is going to be even more than we imagined.

Prolific Pulsations is a captivating collection that brings together a diverse group of talented authors published by Prolific Pulse Press LLC. This anthology explores the vibrant spectrum of human emotions, experiences, and perspectives through the artistry of poetry. Each poem serves as a pulsating heartbeat, resonating with the reader and inviting them into the rich tapestry of the human soul. In this anthology, readers will encounter a myriad of voices, each with a unique style and perspective. The poets featured in this collection share their thoughts, dreams, and observations, creating a dynamic and immersive reading experience. From the poignant to the whimsical, the anthology captures the essence of life, love, loss, and everything in between. To enhance the reader’s connection with the authors, the anthology is accompanied by thought-provoking discussion questions. These questions delve into the inspiration behind the poems, the creative process, and the personal experiences that shaped the writers’ work. Readers are encouraged to explore the depths of each poem and gain insight into the minds of the poets. As you navigate through the pages of Prolific Pulsations, you’ll find yourself on a literary journey that celebrates the power of language and the beauty of expression. The anthology not only showcases the talent of the individual authors but also highlights the collective resonance of their voices, creating a harmonious symphony of words that will leave a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of its readers.


ANNOUNCEMENT: What Matters, A Year of Discovery

🌸 Garden of Neuro Institute-A Safe and Brave Space for Women- Presents: What Matters Journal – Introductory Session with Zaneta Varnado Johns 🌸

Greetings, beautiful souls! 🌺

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with the Garden of Neuro Institute as we launch our year-long exploration into the realms of mental wellness, self-care, gratitude, and mindfulness. Join us for the Introduction to What Matters Journal with Zaneta Varnado Johns, the visionary behind this empowering tool for personal growth.

Event Details:
📅 Date: January 9, 2024
🕒 Time: noon EST
📍 Location: Online – Register via EventBrite

✨ Welcome and Opening Introductions
✨ Insights from Zaneta Varnado Johns on Creating the “What Matters” Journal
✨ Understanding the Year-Long Journey of Discovery
✨ Guided Tour of the Journal’s Features and Sections
✨ Q&A Session with Zaneta Varnado Johns
✨ Deciding on Your Monthly Commitment

About the What Matters Journal:
The What Matters Journal is not just a journal; it’s a companion on your path to self-discovery and holistic well-being. Crafted by Zaneta Varnado Johns, this journal serves as a weekly guide to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Join us to explore its features:

🌿 Inspiring Open Poem: “What Matters” – a lesson in compassion for yourself and others.
🌸 Weekly Emotional Forecast: Reflect on what matters to you and why.
🌼 Prioritize Your Life: Delve into spiritual, physical, creative, relationship, intellectual, and financial aspects.
🌈 Opportunities for Growth: Assess goals, reflect, and track your progress.
🖌️ Mindfulness Art and Writing Prompts: Enhance peaceful thought and awareness.
🎨 Beautiful Art Pieces: Reflect on your monthly journey and express gratitude.

📅 Undated: Tailor it to your personal needs.
📏 Perfect Size: 6×9 inches with ample writing space on premium paper.
📖 Thoughtful Design: Quotes, prompts, and artistic expressions throughout.
📅 Reflection Pages: End of Week, End of Month, and End of Year.

Make a Difference – Gift the What Matters Journal:
Share the brilliance of this 240-page, 6×9 inch journal with your loved ones. Be a guiding light on their journey towards self-care, gratitude, and compassion.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together. RSVP now, and let the What Matters Journal be your guide to a year of discovery!

To register, go to the EventBrite link below, reserve your spot in the Garden of Neuro Institute’s sacred space.


10 Things of Thankful-December 23, 2023

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on

It’s TTOT time! Let’s see what’s happening!

  1. WooWee it has been the week that was! The mister and I have been sick, but we have turned the corner. I have been able to get out and about by week’s end, so yay and he is ready to roll again, too.
  2. Fun times for the daughter. She participated in an exciting holiday party at Friday Night Friends. They had yummy foods and sand karaoke, etc. Good times were had by all.
  3. Daughter has been sewing and made a pretty tie and a tote bag. Great job!
  4. Holiday cards have come in. I am a slacker, except of the Angel Card Project-we get those out right after Thanksgiving-but appreciate others beautiful cards to us.
  5. Quinn, a writing friend, made it possible to send holiday cookies via their own home baking and mailing service. We were able to gift homemade cookies. They are so pretty.
  6. I graduated from one physicial therapy for my spine and am on my to being done with PT for my shoulder.
  7. It has been super nice weather. It’s cool at night, but I actually had to turn on the car A/C yesterday afternoon. That’s North Carolina for you.
  8. I worked hard to get some free time for Christmas. It looked like a clear schedule. We won’t talk about next week. shhh
  9. Ups and downs are all managed well and life is moving along nicely.
  10. YOU! What are you thankful for? Drop a note in comments or join us with a post. The more the merrier. Merry Christmas!
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10 Things of Thankful-November 26, 2023

It’s TTOT time and here we go!

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  1. A simply simple family Thanksgiving. It was the three of us and we had a relaxing day. I cooked and they put up Christmas. I helped some, but mostly it was them. I have a thing about nobody in the kitchen unless asked. It’s mainly because I am afraid I will mess something up if interrupted. Now, when cleanup times comes, welcome!
  2. Daughter has abandoned us for her social life. Imagine that! I am grateful she has these opportunities to explore and socialize.
  3. I heard from extended family, even if briefly. I will take it. It just means they have their own lives, just like us, and are doing fine. I do miss getting together with everyone. It’s been too long.
  4. Work has been very busy, but in a good way. Lots of stuff happening, but that’s for another post, coming soon.
  5. Free Kindle books. Thank you.
  6. Sorting my office was a success. I needed to reorganize my bookshelves, which are overflowing, and was successful with this and papers. It took me longer because my shoulder is still healing, but I like how my office is and feel refreshed.
  7. Shoulder is AOK! The surgeon looked at my progress and released me from restrictions, although I am not to go out there and do something wrenching. It’s still a work in progress, but my movement is super great.
  8. My annual physical was excellent for an older bird. Numbers were quite the thing to brag about, but I won’t.
  9. There is a lot of information to read and review, to sort out the matters of these days. I am grateful for opportunities to research.
  10. You! What are feeling the thankfuls about? How about sharing in comments or posting a TTOT.
Photo by Sasha Prasastika on