Ten Things of Thankful-May 12 2024

Photo by Brett Sayles on

It’s TTOT time! Happy Mother’s Day to All Moms ❀

Second from left is Grandma Tomey. This is her sister lineup.

Who made me a person mom.

Honoring my Mama in Love. She’s greatly missed.

15 year old me, my niece Stacey, and sweet Mom on our special visit in Florida.

Mom in 1955

Mom in 1977

Mom in 1954, expecting me

our passport picture 1955

Happy Mother’s Day

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Ten Things of Thankful – April 28 2024

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Happy Sunday and TTOT time! It’s been a busy week, so let’s get started!

The first and foremost celebration is that daughter has recovered extremely well post her knee surgery. I am enjoying seeing her walk without assistance. There were some unexpected pluses, including not requiring a brace for her foot support. We go to her doctor tomorrow to get the formal assessment. All in all, it’s a huge success and I am holding on to that.

It’s been a super busy National Poetry Month and there are two more day left. I am grateful for being able to schedule posts ahead, so I was able to sit the last week on this past Monday and breathe. This allowed my time to focus on so many things. YAY! It’s so lovely to see when people are using these prompts and tagging my blog.

Daughter is back to church today, thanks to the first TTOT mention. Yay!

Yesterday, we attended a FULL day writer’s conference. It was the annual Triangle Association of Freelancers Writer Now Conference. We had amazing presentations by award winning authors and the editor in chief of Writer’s Digest. We were tired, but enriched.

Today is the Book Launch for Joni Karen Caggiano’s poetry book “One Petal at a Time.” I am looking forward to it and grateful that I waited for my muse before creating the video. It helps to listen to that still, soft voice.

I’ve been changing ice bottles in daughter’s ice unit for her knee, every 3-4 hours. One of those times is in the middle of the night. I had a soft voice wake me up one night, whispering “Lisa, are you awake?” It sounded like my sister’s voice. I am grateful for gentle nudges to get up and add the ice bottles.

I am grateful that my sweetheart is a volunteer for the writer’s conference. He helped run the front desk for attendees to check in. He brought a stack of books to read between times. He does write accounting information, and has been published, but he’s more of a support person for this kind of writing event.

Wednesday night, the TAF members who contributed to the Cadence Anthology did a reading of their poetry at the TAF meeting. It was so much fun. They really brought it with their poetry.

My sister in law’s sister’s dog chewed up and swallowed a dog toy and had to be emergency vet treated. We have had lots of prayers and Jett seems to be doing okay. He’s not completely out of the woods, but we believe he will be okay. He aspirated on a piece of the toy. He’ll be sticking with kong toys from now on.

And…it’s a wrap!

What’s your thankful(s) this week? Please share.

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Ten Things of Thankful – April 19, 2024

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Happy Friday and TTOT time! Are you doing the tip-toe through the tulips? It’s certainly that time of year in Holland. What kinds of flowers have you seen this spring?

Photo by Tu00fa Nguyu1ec5n on

Roses are welcomed for my sweet daughter as she is recovering from arthroscopic knee surgery. She is doing great! Her surgery was on Thursday, early morning. This means we were up early, but it all worked out very well because we are early risers (although I didn’t sleep well from anxiety about waking up HA). The great news is that we were out of there in time to grab a brunch to go. Grateful for her surgery going well, early surgery times, recuperating going well, she is walking around the apartment with her walker, she was able to find her dirty laundry for me to do (AHA), she’s eating well, the ice flowing machine AKA The Ice Goddess, Naps, Naps, Naps, and a phone to call any time of day or night. I believe that must be at least ten thankfuls. I didn’t count, but will now count all the wonderful well wishes, prayers, blessings, visits, and wows.

Photo by Unchalee Srirugsar on

As we pace by the daisies of life, we are filled with gratitude for all the colorful events. All the preparations gone well; staying well-informed, tax season ending so I have my sweetheart here to help, staycation time (that took a lot of doing to make a week off happen). Clearing the head as much as possible for the current events to happen. Tender mercies abounding. It’s been good.

How has your week been? How about a share of your thankfuls in the comments, by your own post or … If you go to the following link, you can see other thankfuls and even add your own.

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Ten Things of Thankful-April 12, 2024

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on

Happy TTOT time and hello April 2.0 Let’s get started!

Have you noticed April flowers are coming out early? I am getting a bit confused about the succession of things, but that’s okay. I am simply grateful for all the beauty that surrounds us. And what beautiful music I have been hearing from the birds. There’s been a frequent fly up on my porch and I suspect the birds are either nesting or looking for materials from my flowerpots. I love to hear their chirping such beautiful songs. I smiled with enthusiasm for their pursuits.

Yesterday held a strong promise of horrible winds and storms. It just so happened to be the day I needed to go out and take care of business. It turned out breezy and very tolerable and maybe a few rain sprinkles. Yay! I was able to add grocery shopping to the list since it was navigation friendly weather.

Daughter and I went to her pre-op appointment yesterday. It went very well. We had our questions answered and both left with a sigh of relief. Her surgery is next week, and we will be happy to be done with it, but go to it in good faith, helped with knowledge. Education goes a long way to boost confidence. Daughter has been preparing her room to make sure she can navigate her walker for essentials. She took it upon herself to do some additional housework. I won’t turn down good help! Grateful, I am.

Tax season is coming to a close on Monday. I will have my sweetheart back home on a regular basis. He will also be taking much needed time off. We all will. His company is having a post-tax season celebration at a place where we can throw axes and eat lots of rich foods. I don’t have any axes to grind but will throw some for the fun of it. After all, how often do you get a chance to throw an axe?

While I don’t get to TTOT regularly, I hope those of you who like to write poetry have been noticing the daily poetry prompts this month. It’s National Poetry Month and my daily prompts have been fun to share. What are you doing for this year’s challenge? Thank you to those who pingback to my posts. It helps me feel like I am contributing.

This weekend is the quarterly Fine Lines Conference. The theme for this time is “Tell Me a Story.” I am grateful to find the time to organize the opening video and to prepare my presentation for Sunday, “Tattoos on My Soul.” The conference is virtual, and free will donation based. We’re looking to have quite a few people attend.

So, what are you thankfuls? Please drop in the comments or post. If you go to the blue bar below and click, there are other thankfuls to see and you can add your own post.

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Ten Things of Thankful-March 30, 2024

Photo by Kat Smith on

Happy TTOT time! And March, in this neck of the woods, has turned into a gentle lamb. We are looking at 77 degrees today, daughter is in shorts (I have a sweater on), and the weekend looks to be gorgeous. How many thankfuls did you count?

It’s that time of year when I am lucky to see my sweetheart by 9 p.m. Yes…tax season is strong and healthy. The good news is that his office is feeding him supper. He shared the menu with me, and I started plotting how I could go help at the office. We have worked for the same firm before, but that’s not happening this time. He’s the only CPA with whom I would work alongside. I will listen to feedback about which dishes he liked, so I can make them for him later on. I learned from this last year that he found shrimp and grits to be delicious. Well, I did not know this, and I know how to make that dish. He’s had it a few times since-from my kitchen. I loved learning he liked them, also because that is one of my favorite dishes.

It’s been a super busy time in the publishing scene. We bumped up two books, by special request. My norm is one book per month. I am grateful to see the other side of this very soon. We’ve had great book launches and I was honored to do one for my favorite SistersRoc’N’Rhyme duo. We even did one with a mixed venue of live, on site while the rest of the participants were virtual. It went well.

This upcoming week is National Poetry Month and that changes our focus. You may be seeing more posts and poetry. The poster for this year is amazing.


Daughter is doing well with her Aloha Ambassador program. She’s oriented new members to the program and it’s gone well. She has arthroscopic knee surgery soon. The date is not set, but should be set up next week., We pray she finds relief after they rework her knee. It worked for me when I was in my twenties. Back then, you stayed in bed with a cast because they did long incisions. Then you lugged the cast around for a bit. So, I am grateful for much less invasive surgeries.

I think that there are at least ten things highlighted up there. And I am confident there will be more to come. May you know these blessings as well.

Photo by George Dolgikh on

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