Ten Things of Thankful May 1 2020

It’s May Day! Let’s go dance around the maypole! Who remembers those? This lady does!
It’s the first Friday of TTOT so let’s get at it!

1.2.3. Thankful that I survived National Poetry Month with posting a prompt each day and writing a poem a day to those prompts. Can we say Whew and WooHoo?!!
I am grateful to those who supported these efforts, as well. And for those who supported my publications this past month. A lot of thankfuls in one so, there’s 3!!

abstract art artistic autumn
Photo by Pixabay on

4. Rain! We had a real gully washer yesterday and I am glad April decided to show itself up properly! I posted on Facebook yesterday:
Me: “April showers bring May flowers. Oh, April, you have this one last day to rain.”
April: “Hold my beer.”

5. 6. People who social distance and wear masks! Who ever thought this would be a thing? Thankful to have masks to do so. I made ours out of socks and daughter got hers at work. Also got fabric to make some this weekend.

7. My friend’s daughter created her own book at the lovely age of 6!! Here it is:
Diya Dreams

8. Ability to have groceries delivered for Mother’s Day in another town. We were trying to come up with a way to get something to mama in another town and came up with the idea to set up a food delivery. The food arrives this coming week in time for her to have a nice Mother’s Day week treat.

a fresh orange inside of a fruit net
Photo by Anna Shvets on

9. Virtual meetings! Tomorrow I get to participate in the TAF online conference. It would normally be this weekend and now we still get to have it. And I also get to attend the Raleigh NC Bloggers meeting tomorrow afternoon and learn new things.

10. The place is set at this virtual table for YOU! No masks or gloves needed, mainly your presence and thankfuls. So, throw it at us. Not the food, but the thankfuls! Get at it!

pink and red roses centerpiece near silverwares
Photo by Edward Eyer on

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19 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful May 1 2020”

  1. I’d completely forgotten the May Day traditions of my childhood…wow. I, too, am grateful to have survived the April writing challenges! Great list, Lisa πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am very impressed that you posted every day for a month! And that it was a poem! Kudos to you for that. If I blog 3 days in a row, I am thrilled. Thanks for the link to Diya’s book. I enjoyed reading it and mulling over her language development and spunk! What a cutie! We have had a lot of rain, haven’t we? I hope you didn’t lose your power in the storms a couple of days ago. I’m glad you are able to bless your mom with the shopping treat!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I laughed out loud at your comment about April showers. We had a pretty dry month of April too, but it’s been raining here at least a little the last days of April.

    Oh wow, your friend’s daughter did amazing! Congratulate her from me.

    Congrats to you for finishing the poetry month. I did the #AtoZChallenge and am proud of myself for finishing that one too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I remember making those construction paper May Day baskets at school when we used that white paste that always made it into the mouths of some kids. πŸ€ͺI liked the smell of the paste, but never had any desire to taste it.
    It seems as if the showers didn’t think April was quite long enough. It has pour buckets here today.
    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. excellent point in Item 10! It accentuates a point I believe I was attempting in my own TToT, that his internet allows a kind of communication not found in the past…
    good work on the completion of your National Poetry Month participation… very cool

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Life has changed a bit during this pandemic: masks, social distancing, food deliveries, online meetings. How nice that we have been able to adapt and find ways to stay connected.

    Your #10 made me laugh. Food fight! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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