blog, poetry

I Am Possible

staying on task 041219

I did it! We did it! It’s May 1 and every single day of National Poetry Month I was successful at writing a poem. It wasn’t easy. Some days I have a hard time getting that gray matter to work with me. Coffee induced labor may have been my guilty pleasure. There are things about me that you may not know. It’s hard for me to be creative on a consistent basis. It’s important to balance my life so that I have enough spoons to get through the day. Just the other day, I was trying my darnedest to create what some found to be a fun activity with art. What I ended up with, after several frustrating tries, was a mess. I threw it away. Yesterday, I tried again. While I did end up with something, it was not the same as others did for the assignment. This is what I had to tell myself: You are who you are and they are who they are and don’t you be comparing yourself to others! I have had to have that talk often, in my life. For years, I allowed myself not to create consistently because of letting negativity get in the way. It is very important for me to Stay on Task! If it takes me all day and then some to accomplish what it may take others a few minutes to a few hours, it’s on me to do me. I need to just focus on doing what is the essence of me. It’s my heart and my soul and my life and my own ways of expression.

Today I started thinking about what I would now do since the National Poetry Month is over. I like writing poetry every day. Know what I did? I went to Robert Lee Brewer’s Poetic Aside’s Blog and looked at today’s prompt and I wrote this poem:


It is impossible
to stop
to go
to sleep
to concentrate
to function
my whole world
depends on this belief
I will do the impossible
making it possible
by doing one thing
changing the way of looking
at impossible
changing it to
I’m possible

Here was his prompt:
For today’s prompt, write an impossible poem. Write about something that’s impossible to do. Or write about something people once thought was impossible to do. Or write about something that’s impossible to NOT do. Whatever you decide, I hope it’s not impossible for you to poem along!

I won’t guarantee that I will post a poem a day. I will be writing behind the scenes. There is a big project I am starting today and that one requires me to write a lot of words. And I will continue my weekly Six Sentence Story and Ten Things of Thankful.

Here’s to a happy May! May your May memories be positive and turn into June possibilities. Thank you for listening to me.

I am in this:


10 thoughts on “I Am Possible”

  1. I’m trying to take a page from your play book and not get caught up in negativity and stay on task. Haven’t been successful lately, but I’m working on it.
    You are very successful at it, I’m always so amazed and proud of you. xo

    Liked by 1 person

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