
Stop, Don’t Stop

red and yellow stop sticker
Photo by Linda Eller-Shein on Pexels.com

Stop, Don’t Stop

What I meant to say was
to stop what you are doing
and give me a big smooch

What I meant to say was
come here, honey
I have a hug for you

What I meant to say was
your eyes are what make me

What I meant to say was
how much I love you
to the moon

That is what I meant to say
and I want it to start
again and again and again

Another chance
may not happen
if you don’t stop
and start again

It’s day #30 for National Poetry Month and I made it! Every day I posted a poem. Now, it’s time to focus on other projects, which includes more poetry, but some behind the scenes workings. TBA

Thanks so much to Robert Lee Brewer for his devotion to posting the prompts on
Poetic Asides.

Today’s prompt:
It’s time for our fifth (and final) Two for Tuesday prompt of the month! Pick one prompt or use both…your choice!

1. Write a stop poem.
2. Write a don’t stop poem.

I am in this book:

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