
6 Sentence Story – Henpecked

herd of hen
Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

“You ain’t got no drive,” Ellie spoke to Sam, “If it weren’t for bein’ hungry I swear you’d sleep all day long.”

“Shucks Ellie, I got plenty of drive, you jus’ don’ see it ‘cause you sit all day at that TV and watch soap shows and when you ain’t doin’ that you be gossipin’ with Sharlene about who knows what.”

“Sam James, you don’ even know what you be talkin’ ‘bout, ‘cause I make sure you get plen’y to eat and clean up yore messes.”

Sam went to the garage and brought in a cardboard box and slid it across the table toward Ellie, “Here’s somethin’ to show you how much drive I got, Ellie dear;”
Ellie looked in the box and gasped, she pulled out a pair of earrings, sparkling with amethyst crystals, dangling from a silver post, gathering her thoughts, she stated, “Oh my Sam, these are beautiful; where did you find these… how did you find the money?”

“Well, Ellie, it’s from cleanin’ up the henhouse; I found these on the ground, right next to the black lace scarf I gave mama; Wait, are those sirens I hear?”

Rules of the hop:
Write 6 Sentences. No more. No less.
Use the current week’s prompt word.
Come back here on Thursday, link your post…
Spread the word and put in a good one to your fellow writers

Here’s the LINK

to this weeks Blog Hop!

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